
Am Natl Ch. DaneDreams Forever Young, CGC TDI


Born on Mothers Day -May 12, 2002 The fourth pup from a litter of five, and all girls.   She was my Lilac collared baby and weighed in at 1lb 6oz, she was the largest puppy born. I had a difficult time deciding who should remain in our home, but I do believe she picked me.

She was futurity nominated along with her sister Zen for the 2002 GDCA National Specialty. Shown in the 3 - 5 mos class she made the first cut under breeder judge, Kathy Varian.

Laila's first official show was in Long Beach in December.  Rehearsal began with puppy matches where she started of her winning ways by going WB/BOW and BOB at the Superstition Kennel Club All-Breed Match. Not long afterwards she started her career picking up a 4 point major Reserve Winners Bitch at the age of 7 months. All points acquired had been earned from the Bred By Exhibitor Class.  Laila has a few Best Puppy in Specialty Show along with Best of Opposite to Best Puppy in Show. She also picked up Best Bred By Exhibitor at several specialties in which she was entered and helped her daddy, Tango, to earn a few Stud Dog wins too. At the all breed shows she has also done well in the BBE class and gone on to Group placements.

In April 2004 Laila was accompanied by her sister Zen to participate in a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test that was hosted by the Mastiff Club of America National Specialty that was being held in Tucson. Not only did the girls pass the CGC exam, they also passed the Therapy Dog International (TDI).

Laila earned the AKC Medallion, Breeder Exhibitor Champion, by finishing her championship in April 2004.  This achievement qualified my girl to compete in the 2005 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship to be held in Tampa, Florida on January 15th & 16th, 2005.

* CERF -clear  * OFA thyroid - normal  * OFA hips - good  * OFA elbows - normal  * OFA cardio - clear

Laila and sister Zen, just days prior to cropping.

Ringside at the 2002 National awaiting our time in Futurity.

A perfect finish, under breeder judge, Ms. Pamela Winters.

Best Bred by Exhibitor

Best of Opposite Sex

Call Name: Laila
AKC Registration No.: WS00623704
Sex: Bitch
Birthdate: 05/12/02
Sire: Ch AmCnDlIntlMxCH Etar Rosha Dance Of Love CGC
Dam: CnMxIntlCh Majestic Romeos Lady Godiva CGC TDI
Breeder(s): Valerie Jeanenne Metcalf
Owner(s): Valerie Jeanenne Metcalf
Competitive Event(s): Best Bred By Exhibitor
Best Of Breed Competition
