
Canadian International (IABCA) Mexican Ch Majestic Romeo's Lady Godiva, CGC TDI CHIC

OFA hips good, elbows normal, cardio clear, thyroid normal (at 7 years!) and CERF normal

A lovely fawn Great Dane puppy we named Cinder was the first Dane in my life and I knew then she was just the beginning. Fast-forward twenty years, it is the 90's and after plenty of waiting and anticipation, another fawn puppy comes into my life.
A book on etymology defined Godiva "gift of god" from Old English god combined with gyfu "gift." She was a gift, from my husband who gave in to my dream and a "gift of god." The breed that had first stolen my heart in the early-70's was back to help fulfill the daydreams that began with Cinder.

Diva finally gave me the opportunity to fulfill another longtime desire of participating at conformation shows. Diva introduced me to the whole show experience and presented me with the opportunity to meet some wonderful people across the U.S. and in Canada.

After singling out in the US and getting her championship in Canada, Mexico and International, I finally gave in to breeding. Her health clearances were good, temperament was fabulous and her conformation was pleasing. She presented me with five beautiful girls -Sophie, Cheri , Rio, Laila and Zen

Diva on RV bunk

Diva in Cortez


Diva and Tango on S Mtn

Diva is 8 years old
